Hungary’s President Katalin Novak steps down

Hungary’s President Katalin Novak, on Saturday, said she’s stepping down. This decision comes after people were upset about a pardon given to a guy involved in a child sexual abuse case.
What Are The Indian President Pardoning Power
The President of India enjoys, under Article 72 of the Constitution of India, “pardoning power”.
The President of India has the power to grant pardons, reprieve, respite, etc.
Punishment or Sentence passed by Court Martial; Punishment or Sentence passed under Union Laws and Sentence of Death under any law.
Under Article 72 the President of India can issue the following five types of orders:
Pardon: Under this the president will completely absolve the guilt of the offender
Reprieve: This order of the President stays the execution for a Temporary period, or postpones a capital sentence
Respite: it is a Postponement of execution of the sentence to the future. In such types of Cases, the President may also award a lesser sentence instead of the Penalty prescribed by the court. Ex. woman Sentenced with the death penalty or insanity of the convict.
Remission: Through this order, the president temporarily suspends a Sentence in special circumstances; It Means the reduction of the sentence without changing the nature of the Character of the punishment awarded by the court
Commutation whereby the President may change a Punishment to one of a different sort than that originally awarded by the Court.
In the Maru Ram v. Union of India case the Supreme Court held that the President cannot exercise his discretion in this matter; rather, he functions on the aid and advice of Council of Ministers.
Under Art 161 The Governor of a State shall have the power to grant pardons, Reprieves, respites, or remissions of punishments or to Suspend, remit, or commute the sentence of any person Convicted of any offense against any law relating to a matter to which the executive power of the State extends.
Court Martial: The power of the President to grant pardon extends in cases where the punishment or sentence is by a Court Martial but Article 161 does not provide any such power to the Governor.