The Gujarat High Court has proposed directions to end Menstruation Taboo

The Gujarat High Court has proposed to prohibit the social exclusion of women on the basis of their menstrual status and ‘proposed’ to issue the following directions for the State Government of Gujrat to follow; to end Menstruation Taboo.
Prohibit social exclusion of women on the basis of their menstrual status at all places, be it private or public, religious or educational;
The State Government should spread awareness among its citizens regarding the social exclusion of women on the basis of their menstrual status through various mediums like putting up posters at public places, including it in the school curriculum, using audio visual mediums like radio, entertainment/news channels, short films etc;
Empowerment of women through education and increasing their role in decision-making can also aid in this regard;
Sensitization of health workers, Accredited Social Health Activists and Anganwadi Workers regarding menstruation biology must also be done so that they can further disseminate this knowledge in the community and mobilize social support against busting menstruation-related myths. Adolescent Friendly Health Services Clinics must also have trained manpower to address these issues;
The State Government should hold campaigns, drives, involve NGOs and other private organizations to spread such awareness;
The State Government should include the issue of social exclusion of women on the basis of their menstrual status in all existing campaigns/schemes that aims at menstrual hygiene;
The State Government should allocate necessary funds for the implementation of the directions;
The State Government should prohibit all educational institutions, hostels, and living spaces for women-studying working and others, private or public by whatever name called, from following social exclusion of women on the basis of their menstrual status in any manner;
The State Government should undertake surprise checks, create an appropriate mechanism and take such other actions, steps as may be necessary to ensure its compliance including the imposition of an appropriate penalty against the erring institution.