Tamil Nadu finishes on top in micro-irrigation coverage

Tamil Nadu, in financial year 2019-20, finished on top at the all-India level for micro-irrigation coverage. This has been achieved as part of implementation of the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY), a programme aimed at promoting the “more crop per drop” concept by focussing on water-saving technologies.
As regards the cumulative total coverage under the PMKSY during 2015-2020, Tamil Nadu occupies the fourth spot with about 5.62 lakh ha, according to the PMKSY website.
The first place goes to Karnataka (8.16 lakh ha) followed by Andhra Pradesh (7.17 lakh ha) and Gujarat (7 lakh ha). At the all-India level, 43.71 lakh ha of lands were brought under micro irrigation in the last five years.
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) was launched on 1st July,
2015 with the objective to achieve convergence of investments in irrigation sector at field level
.; has been launched with the motto of providing “Har Khet Ko Paani” and end-to-end solutions in irrigation supply chain, viz. water sources, distribution network and farm level applications. It comprises of four components, namely (i) Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP), (ii) Har Khet Ko Paani, (iii) Watershed Development and (iv) Per Drop More Crop.
The scheme aims at providing end-to-end solutions in irrigation supply chain, viz. water sources, distribution network and farm level applications. PMKSY not only focuses on creating water sources for assured irrigation, but it is also creating protective irrigation by harnessing rain water at micro level through ‘Jal Sanchay’ and ‘Jal Sinchan’. Micro irrigation is an integral component of the scheme to maximise water use efficiency at farm level. PMKSY adopts state level planning and projectised execution that allow
states to draw up their own irrigation development based on District irrigation Plans and State Irrigation Plan.Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) – to focus on faster completion of ongoing Major and Medium Irrigation projects .
2.2. PMKSY (Har Khet KoPani) – to focuson source augmentation, distribution,
ground water development, lift irrigation, diversion of water from water plenty
to water scarce areas, supplementing rain water harvesting beyond IWMP &MGNREGA, repair, restoration, renovation of traditional water bodies etc
2.3. PMKSY (Per Drop More Crop) – to focus on micro level storage structures,
efficient water conveyance & application, precision irrigation systems, topping up of input cost beyond MGNREGA permissible limits, secondary storage,water lifting devices, extension activities, coordination & management
2.4. PMKSY (Watershed Development) – to focus on ridge area treatment,drainage line treatment, soil and moisture conservation, water harvesting structure, livelihood support activities and other watershed works