National Digital Health Mission

It aims at creating a health ID for every Indian.
The platform has been planned to improve efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of health service delivery. The health ID will be in the form of a mobile application of website;which is basically a digital format of all his/her health records which will be linked to the registry of doctors and health facilities across the country.
This health account will contain details of every test, every disease, the doctors visited, the medicines taken and the diagnosis. This information will be very useful as it is portable and easily accessible even if the patient shifts to new place and visits a new doctor.
National digital health mission is holistic, voluntary healthcare programme which will integrate doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, insurance companies and make a digital health infrastructure. The health ID card is created with details like Aadhar and mobile number and generate unique ID for each individual. The national digital health mission includes health ID, digidoctor, telemedicine, ePharmacy , healthcare registry and personal health records digitally stored.
From a doctor’s appointment to hospitalisation for any treatment, this ID will become essential. One copy of a patient’s records are stored in their doctor’s files and one is stored in their own individual locker (which can be owned by a company or by the government).