Kisan Saarathi: Digital platform for farmers launched

The government has launched a digital platform named as ‘Kisan Saarathi’, available in Hindi and many regional languages, through which farmers can interact and avail personalized advisories on agriculture and allied areas directly from the respective scientists of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs), the nodal centers that ensure growers benefit from research and technology. Kisan Saarathi’ will facilitate farmers to get the right information at right time in their desired language.
Digital Agriculture Missions (DAMs) and Innovation Hubs (IHs) at the national and state levels will be set up soon by the agriculture ministry as part of its efforts to foster a digital agriculture ecosystem.
India’s National e-Governance Plan in Agriculture (NeGPA) aims to foster rapid development in the Indian Agriculture Sector by adopting and adapting Information & Communication Technology (ICT) comprehensively across the board. A centrally sponsored scheme, for timely access to agriculture-related information for farmers.
For modern management of agriculture and the digital ecosystem of agriculture, the government should incorporate technologies, i.e. Remote Sensing; Geographical Information systems; Data Analytics and Cloud Computing; Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning; Internet of Things; Robotics, Drones & Sensors, and Block-chain.