Gandhi Jayanti: Celebrating the Spirit of Truth, Non-Violence, and Freedom

Today we celeberate Gandhi Jayanti.Mahatma Gandhi was born on this day, January 2 October 1869, in Porbandar.


Gandhi Jayanti 

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, born in Gujarat, and popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi. He  is regarded as the Father of the Nation. Gandhi was a social reformist and leader of the Indian Independence Movement who introduced the idea of non-violent resistance called Satyagraha.

Gandhi also wrote extensively for various newspapers and his symbol of self-reliance – the spinning wheel – became a popular symbol of the Indian Independence Movement.

He organized a civil disobedience movement for Indians living in South Africa and returned to India in 1915

He organized the Dandi Salt March in 1930. The Quit India Movement in 1942.

He also worked for the upliftment of untouchables and have them a new name ‘Harijan’ meaning the children of God.

Gandhi took his first hunger strike at Ahmedabad(1918) for the mill wage hike of workers.

His first Civil Disobedience movement was the Champaran Satyagraha

His first non-cooperation Movement was the Kheda Satyagraha.

Mahatma Gandhi described the Cripps’ proposals as a “post-dated cheque on a failing bank“.

          Multiple problems and challenges besiege the 21st century.  Ranging from terrorism or the deepening moral crisis, negative aspects of globalization. Also ethnic and religious conflicts or the existing moral crisis, which is the source of economic and financial crises.

               It is against the backdrop of these gloomy challenges the world facing today Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy is relevant, even today. Satya (Truth), ahimsa (non-violence), and satyagraha ( holding on to truth, which in fact is the philosophy and practice of non-violent resistance) is still the guiding force to pull the world from the quagmire.

                   His methods of non-violent approach to dispute resolution is an important area in peace research. He proposed ideas like Sarvodaya which can be achieved through truth and non-violence. He also brought about various ideologies focusing on empowering and making villages self-sufficient, women empowerment, sanitation, etc. In today’s modernized world, world problems are not just limited to internal conflicts and matters.
                      Issues ranging from border management to nuclear issues are emerging around the world. It pose a threat to the peaceful existence of humankind. For the regeneration or rebirth of non-violent or less violent cultures and societies, the ideas of Gandhi still holds the truth.

 Mahatma Gandhi’s idea was successfully put into practice in social reform and civil rights movement of Martin Luther King in the USA.  Also in anti-apartheid resistance of South Africa under the leadership of Nelson Mandela.



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