Supreme Court on the National Judicial Data Grid portal: Basics Explained

With the Supreme Court of India joining the National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) portal, India now has all three tiers of Indian judiciary on NJDG portal.
Now one may access case-related information, statistics such as institution, pendency and disposal of cases, case types, and year-wise break-up of the Supreme Court of India with a click of a button.
National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) is a database of orders, judgments and case details of 18,735 District & Subordinate Courts and High Courts created as an online platform under the e-Courts Project. Data is updated on a near real-time basis by the connected District and Taluka courts. It provides data relating to judicial proceedings/decisions of all computerized district and subordinate courts of the country. All High Courts have also joined the NJDG through web services, providing easy access facilities to the litigant public.
NJDG works as a monitoring tool to identify, manage & reduce pendency of cases. It helps to provide timely inputs for making policy decisions to reduce delays in disposing of cases and helps in reducing case pendency. It also facilitates better monitoring of court performance and systemic bottlenecks, and, thus, serves as an efficient resource management tool.
Last month the union cabinet approved the e-Courts Phase-III which aims to usher in a regime of maximum ease of justice by moving towards digital, online and paperless courts through digitization of the entire court records, including legacy records; it also helps from intelligent scheduling to prioritizing cases for hearing to using artificial intelligence in decision-making for judges
The e-Courts Integrated Mission Mode Project is one of the National e- Governance projects being implemented in District and Subordinate Courts of the Country since 2007. The project is aimed at providing the necessary hardware and software application to enable courts to deliver e-services, and the judiciary to be able to monitor and manage the functioning of courts.
The objective of the project is to provide designated services to litigants, lawyers, and the judiciary by universal computerization of district and subordinate courts in the country and enhancement of ICT enablement of the justice system. The e-Courts project has led to the scanning, digitization, and digital preservation of case records, enabling video-conferencing for courts and jails, etc. A major outcome of the e-Courts project is the National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG). It provides online, real-time information on around 25 million pending cases in Indian courts are various levels.