MoU signed between International Solar Alliance(ISA) and international Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO):Basics Explained

In a ceremony held on the sidelines of the 42th Session of International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Assembly in Montreal on 26 September 2022, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between International Solar Alliance (ISA) and ICAO in the presence of Shri Jyotiraditya M. Scindia, Minister of Civil Aviation of India, H.E. Monsieur Clement Beaunne, Minister of Transport of France and Mr. Salvatore Sciacchitano, President of the ICAO Council.
ISA was launched jointly by the Prime Minister of India and the President of France on 30th November, 2015 at Paris on the side-lines of the 21st CoP meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The ISA will strive to bring together more than 121 solar resource rich nations for coordinated research, low cost financing and rapid deployment. The ISA, headquartered in India with an interim secretariat at the National Institute of Solar Energy(NISE) premises in Gurugram.India has already committed the required support of the operationalization of ISA. ISA will put India globally in a leadership role in climate and renewable energy issues. It will also give a platform to showcase its solar programs.
ISA is an action-oriented, member-driven, collaborative platform for increased deployment of solar energy technologies as a means for bringing energy access, ensuring energy security, and driving energy transition in its member countries. The ISA was conceived to mobilize efforts against climate change through the deployment of solar energy solutions.
With the amendment of its Framework Agreement in 2020, all member states of the United Nations are now eligible to join the ISA. At present, 101 countries are signatories to the ISA Framework Agreement, of which 80 countries have submitted the necessary instruments of ratification to become full members of the ISA.
The International Solar Alliance is a common platform for cooperation among sun-rich countries lying fully or partially between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn who are seeking to massively ramp up solar energy, thereby helping to bend the global greenhouse emissions curve
whilst providing clean and cheap energy.