Leap Day: Basics Explained

The Earth completes its orbit around the Sun, constituting a solar year, in roughly 365.25 days. Typically, we round this duration to 365 days in a calendar year. To compensate for the fractional remainder, approximately every four years, we incorporate an additional day into our calendar, known as a leap year. February has 29 days instead of 28. So, there are 366 days in the year. This is called a leap year.
A year marks the duration for a planet to complete one orbit around its star, while a day signifies the time taken for a planet to complete one rotation on its axis. Earth requires about 365 days and 6 hours to complete its orbit around the Sun and approximately 24 hours for a full rotation. Hence, our year isn’t precisely a whole number of days. Consequently, in most cases, we round down the days in a year to 365. However, the fractional portion of a day persists. To account for this, we include an extra day in the calendar approximately every four years.