India’s Population Crisis: Set to Peak at 1.69 Billion by 2054

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs,(DESA) Population Division releases World Population(P) Prospects Report 2024.
- The report projects world’s population will grow continually over the coming fifty or sixty years.
- It predicts world’s population will reach a peak of around 10.3 billion people in the mid-2080s, up from 8.2 billion in 2024.
- The report projects the global P to start declining gradually, falling to 10.2 billion people by the end of the century.
- The report expects the size of the world’s P in 2100 to be 6 per cent smaller – or about 700 million people fewer – than anticipated a decade ago.
- To capitalise demographic dividend the report suggests countries need to move faster to capitalise on the opportunity.
- On fertility rate as per the report it stands at 2.25 live births per woman. It was 3.31 births in 1990.
- Life expectancy at birth reached 73.3 years in 2024. There is an increased of 8.4 years since 1995.
- According to United Nations report India, is likely to witness its P peak in 2062 at 1.701 billion,
- India , otherwise is projected to be the most populated country in 2023, pipped China to
- The report projects India population to decline by 12 per cent after reaching its peak