China’s plans to build Dam on Brahmaputra: Indo-China Irritants

Recently, China announced plans to build a “super dam” on the lower reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo river close to the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Tibet. Originating in the so-called Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), the trans-border river flows into Arunachal Pradesh where it is called Siang, and then to Assam as Brahmaputra before flowing into Bangladesh and draining into the Bay of Bengal.


Brahmaputra river enters Arunachal Pradesh near Gelling where it is known as the Siang or Dihang.

The Siang River meets two other major tributaries of Brahmaputra, Dibang and Lohit in the west of Sadiya, at a place named Kobo. From this confluence point, the river is known as the Brahmaputra till it enters Bangladesh. In India the journey of the river Brahmaputra is 918 km long.

India, the lower riparian country, the increase in turbidity and blackening of waters in Siang, temporary stoppage of data sharing by China over the high season flows as per the China-India memorandum of understanding during the Doklam standoff (2017), and news of a series of check dams being constructed along the Tibetan boundary.



India and China share about 3,488-km long border, which is yet to be fully delineated. There is a Line of Actual Control in Aksai Chin of Ladakh region that China captured during 1962 war.

China still lays claim over 90,000 sq km of Arunachal Pradesh calling it South Tibet. Both countries see their borders at different points on the ground and both are committed to build infrastructure till the last mile. The result is seen in complaints of incursions.

Construction of CPEC by China through Indian territory illegally occupied by Pakistan.

Recent clashes at Pangong Lake/ Galwan Valley.

 China objects to the Dalai Lama’s free movement in India and abroad in general and his visit to Arunachal Pradesh in particular.

China stopped the practice of issuing stapled visa for the residents of Jammu and Kashmir. But it continues for people living in Arunachal Pradesh.


China has an undeclared policy of String of Pearls to encircle India. This involves building of ports and naval bases around India’s maritime reaches. China has been active in the Indian Ocean and attempting to encircle India.

China is present at Cocos Island in Myanmar, Chittagong in Bangladesh, Hambantota (Sri Lanka), Marao Atoll (Maldives) and Gwadar (Pakistan). Interestingly, China is the only other country than India to have a fully functional embassy in Male.

India, on the other hand, has been trying to develop closer arrangements with the countries surrounding China. India has been able to forge friendly relationships not only with Japan, South Korea and Vietnam but also with the central Asian neighbours of China.India’s joining QUAD grouping with USA,Japan and Australia and its position on Pacific Ocean has not been received warmly by China.


China is historically involved in river water sharing disputes with almost all its neighbours including Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand.

Brahmaputra river water sharing is the major flashpoint between India and China. China has been building dams after dams in the upper reaches of the Brahmaputra which is called Tsangpo in Tibet. India has objected to it but there has been no formal treaty over sharing of the Brahmaputra water.

Further, China has not been forthcoming in sharing the details about water level in the Brahmaputra, which puts a large tract in the states of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam to the risk of sudden and huge flood.


India has been pushing for entry into the exclusive club of nuclear fuel suppliers – Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). It is a body of 48 nations which have an understanding to supply nuclear fuels to nuclear power nations.

All these nations have ratified the Non-proliferation Treaty, which India has not signed. India calls it discriminatory. China has been blocking India’s attempt to entry to this exclusive club on one or the other pretext


While India has been unequivocal in condemning terror outfits and identified Pakistan as the biggest source of terrorism, China has defended Pakistan at every single forum.

China has blocked India’s attempt at the UN for sanctions against Jash-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar.


China calls Pakistan its all-weather friend and has huge investment in that country. China is building China-Pakistan-Economic-Corridor (CPEC), which passes through the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. India has objected to the CPEC. India considers building of the CPEC as China’s interference in India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.


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