Arunachal Pradesh has the best sex ratio in India

With 1,084 females born per thousand males, Arunachal Pradesh((1,024), recorded the best sex ratio in the country, followed by Nagaland (1,001) Mizoram (975), and Andaman & Nicobar Islands (965). The three northeastern states top the 2019 report on “Vital statistics of India based on the Civil Registration System (CRS)”.
2019 report placed Kerala and Uttarakhand on top with 960 girls to 1,000 boys. However, Kerala’s record has worsened from 965 in 2017 to 963 in 2018 and lowered further in 2019. All five southern states recorded SRB between 942 and 960 – with Tamil Nadu recording the lowest (942) but still showing improvement from 932 in 2017.
On the other hand, Telangana took the biggest leap forward – going from 915 in 2017 to 953. Uttarakhand, too, showed improvement, with the SRB at 960 as compared to 929 two years earlier.
Punjab, one of the states where female foeticide is high, showed steady improvement from 890 in 2017 to 914 in 2019.
Chhattisgarh recorded the highest fall in SRB – from 968 in 2017 to 931 in 2019. Himachal Pradesh, Assam also showed downward trends.
The level of registration of births and deaths in the country also improved in 2019, according to the “Vital Statistics of India Based on The Civil Registration System” report.
The report states that the level of birth registration increased from 87.8% in 2018 to 92.7% in 2019, and death registrations went up from 84.6% to 92% during the period.LEARNING FROM HOME/ WITHOUT CLASSES/ BASICS
Sex ratio is used to describe the number of females per 1000 of males.
Child Sex Ratio is defined as the number of females per thousand males in the age group 0–6 years in a human population.