Raja Ram Mohan Roy Death Anniversary

Born on 22nd May 1772 Raja Ram Mohan Roy, died on 27 September 1833, a great social reformer, was a founder of the Brahmo Samaj movement in 1828. He is universally accepted as the pioneer of reform movements in India. Imbibed with new ideas of humanism, this first Modern Man of India had worked hard for the religious, social, intellectual and political regeneration of the Indians.

He abolished the practice of sati. The word “Hinduism” was introduced into the English language by him. The diverse contributions to various aspects by Raja Ram Mohan Roy made him one of the most important figures in the Bengal Renaissance. He earned him the title “The Father of the Indian Renaissance”.

He re-investigated India’s past and discovered the false rituals, superstitions and other practices prevalent in the Hindu society. He denounced the social and religious evils like image worship, rituals, polytheism, caste system, and untouchability.

He founded the Atmiya Sabha in 1815 which was transformed into ‘Brahmo Sabha‘ in 1828 and later into ‘Brahmo Samaj‘ in 1829. This Samaj preached that all religions are one; and there is a need to fight against all religious and social evils.

Ram Mohan emerged as a champion of women’s causes. His greatest contribution was to help the Governor General, Lord William Bentinck, declare ‘sati’ an illegal and punishable crime in 1829. He was against the low status of women in society. He favored widow remarriage, female education and women’s right to inherit property.

Rammohan Roy believed that India could progress only through Western education. He encouraged both Indian and Western learning. Hence, he was regarded as the ‘Prophet of New India‘.

Furthermore, he fought for social justice and equality in all forms. He favored freedom of the press and for the peasants to pay fixed revenue. He edited both Bengali and Urdu weeklies.


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